In this article
Instructions on how to retrieve your Permutive User ID. If a user is asked to provide their Permutive user ID you can follow the below instructions to retrieve this. The User ID will have the following structure but will be unique to you;
Example: 5611cb3c-9fad-46be-9525-09bcbb03655b
Step 1: Open Chrome Console
Step 2. Once you have navigated to this window, paste in the below code into the console and press enter:
var UUID = localStorage.getItem('permutive-id')
You now have stored the Permutive User ID in your clipboard. You can paste this Permutive User ID in your request email.
Tip: You can also copy the Permutive user id from your local storage
Step 3. When you have opened the Console you can navigate to your user ID as follows:
Click on Application > Storage > Local Storage> Website Search for Permutive in the search bar. You should see your Permutive ID listed between the items called "permutive-id". From here you can double-click on the User ID value and copy it.
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