In this article
Instructions on how to add more domains to the filters in both the Audience and Campaign sections of your Insights tab.
You are able to filter your Insights reports by the different domains that you have Permutive deployed across.
Note: Permutive will only start collecting data on a domain from when it was added to the 'Domains' list in 'Settings'. Instructions on how to do so are below.
Adding a Domain
To add domains to your Insights filter, follow these steps:
1. Head to the 'Settings' section of your Permutive platform
2. Click on the 'Project' tab
3. Under 'Domains', click 'Edit'
4. Enter the domain and click '+Add', followed by 'Save'
Note: When adding a domain, please do so in its cleanest form eg. rather than
Once you have successfully added a domain, data will start coming in within a couple of hours.
Filtering by Domains
Once you have added a domain, you will be able to filter by it in both the Audience and Campaign sections under Insights.
1. Click on the second 'Edit' option in either your Audience or Campaign report
2. Here you have the option to filter the Insights reports by each of your domains
If you have any questions, please contact customer support by emailing or chat to the Customer Operations Team via the LiveChat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.
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