In this article
A useful guide on how to create cohorts by Min, Max, Mean, Sum and Product
If the property being used to build a cohort is type List of Objects
a different method of cohort building will appear.
In this example, if you have an event with a field containing a list of objects like this:
"keywords": [
"text": "Cersei Lannister"
"relevance" : 0.664669
"text": "last night's episode"
"relevance" : 0.661872
"text": "Game of Thrones"
"relevance" : 0.641438

This would be true for the example above, since "relevance" = 0.641438 in the "Game of Thrones" object.
You could also specify further filters based on other properties of the event, for example:

This cohort creation would also be true for the example above, since both objects in the list have a relevance more than 0.6.
The other operators ("Max", "Min", "Mean", "Sum" and "Product") work as you would expect for the numeric fields in a list of objects.
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