A. Asynchronous load and compression mean that Permutive doesn't impact page load time.
Permutive is designed and optimized to not have any impact on page load time. Here we look at how long the script takes to download and the steps we take to ensure this doesn't affect the page load.
Script Download Time
Our script typically takes <100ms to download. This will differ marginally based on the number of cohorts a user falls into although this will be tens of milliseconds different.
Permutive's technology is designed in several ways to have no impact on page load time. This is done via:
Permutive loads asynchronously, so it doesn't directly impact the page load speed.
Permutive goes through two stages of compression: minification and gzipping.
- All methods execute in web workers where available meaning it doesn't block JS on the page.
- All methods register callbacks rather than executing blocking code.
- Permutive caches cohorts in the browser wherever possible.
If you have any questions, please contact customer support by emailing support@permutive.comor chat with the Customer Operations Team via the LiveChat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.
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